Exchange of Community-engaged Performing Arts Practices

EXCEPT “Exchange of Community-engaged Performing Arts Practices” aims to create an inspiring network between organizations in the arts and theatre performance, as well as in the music development to improve the situation of underprivileged children. In this creative surrounding the project is to generate know-how, organize known and invent new unknown skills together. The two-year long social arts program takes place within the countries of six different partners. EXCEPT is about unifying, sharing, learning and creating, together with the artists, the partner organizations and the youngsters. (photo by Manfred Lehner)

  • Theater Octopus (Germany) Expert of modern clownery
  • Associatione Stefanoperocco (France) well-known mask-maker in the tradition of Commedia dell’Arte
  • SpecStreet (Utca-Szak) (Hungary) Theater, drama and improvisational performances that targets urban slums, Roma inhabitants and prisons
  • Studio Skit (Poland) Music producer for educational and social purposes
  • Ponte Tra Culture (Italy) Field theater for social action and to improve integration
  • Kulturanova (Serbia) Cultural community building for young people that have no access to arts and culture
  • Sulukule Roma Association (Turkey) Professional Youth Orchestra to strengthen Roma culture


We clearly see the challenges that are taking place in the education of underprivileged children. Different than in developed regions, we need to start smaller by strengthening the basic human competence. Our highest goal is to use our European-wide network to establish new ways of social work for this target group with arts and culture. Together with we strive for a healthier, more equal and motivated society. (photo by Manfred Lehner)



At the moment we prepare a possible Summer Academy 2.0.
The first edition of the ACADEMY was a big success and financed by the EU grants. To survive and create a long-lasting network, we are depending on financial support, to make more editions possible. At the moment,
we are searching for stable SPONSOR RELATIONSHIPS,
with whom we would like to work together on a long time base
to guarantee that Social Arts Practise can stay A TOOL TO
